About us

Broad Street Health Centre is a GP Practice providing services in a purpose built building. This is based in Broad Street Mall, in central Reading.

Our aim is to provide a high standard of healthcare by making appropriate and innovative use of limited NHS resources in partnership with other healthcare providers and in partnership with you.

We will:

  • Provide high quality medical care
  • Give an informal and personal service
  • Encourage good health and help prevent disease
  • Help you make decisions about your own health

Our practice is provided in collaboration with Milman Road and Kennet Surgery. This is on behalf of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB).

We offer a comprehensive range of health services. Our team of reception, multi-disciplinary clinical staff work closely to ensure that we provide a high standard of primary care to our registered patients.

Although most of our work is focused on providing healthcare, we are also involved in health promotion to reduce the risk of becoming ill in the first place. We participate in national screening programmes such as those for cervical and breast cancer, and in child health, through routine immunisation and development checks.

We run several clinics to prevent ill health and to maintain the health of patients with chronic diseases such as heart problems, asthma and diabetes.

We have recently recruited a health and wellbeing practitioner to support patients with proactive self-management and to explore personalised care.

We also have social prescriber link workers to support patients with their social needs and for signposting to community and voluntary services.