We are continually looking to turn patient feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.
Giving feedback
To provide feedback:
- fill out a feedback form
- take part in the Friends and Family Test
- leave a review on the NHS website
- phone us on 0118 902 8300
Making a complaint
We accept that there may be times when our service does not meet your expectations. If this is the case and you wish to make a complaint, you can in the first instance ask to speak to a member of the senior management team who will be able to address your concerns.
If you wish to make a formal complaint, you must do so in writing, addressing your letter to practice manager, deputy practice manager or reception manager.
We are continually striving to improve our service. Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated and a comments form is located in the waiting area for patients to fill in if they desire. The practice operates a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which is displayed in the waiting room.
What is Duty of Candour?
Duty of Candour is an important rule in healthcare that means we must always be honest and open with patients, especially when something goes wrong with their care.
If a patient is harmed or there is a mistake, we must:
- Tell the patient what happened as soon as possible.
- Apologise and explain the situation clearly.
- Offer support and let them know what will be done to help.
- Learn from mistakes to make sure they don’t happen again.
This helps to build trust and ensures that patients always receive safe, honest, and high-quality care.
Here is a relevant leaflet for more information: Duty of Candour Leaflet